Bunel Butalid, BPO Project Manager

Bun as popularly known by his friends, launched his BPO career in Six Eleven Global then Flatworld Phils and now in The Launchpad of Davao City. This Guy is truly an epitome of hardwork and perseverance as he is just persistent in doing what makes him opportune and content with all the triumphs he’s into in any aspects of his life especially his profession. As newbie, way back 2015, he was just resourceful enough as everything is given over the internet by watching interview videos and tutorials. “ I have started as an Agent who received a minimum rate of Davao City that range from 10,000 pesos to 15, 000 pesos, but now I can flex more than an amount I only imagined before“, Bunel said. ” Actually, aside from earning, I learned a lot and I am still learning in my everyday BPO journey, to the point that I almost penetrate the Administration Department, Haha… it’s not really about money, its about doing what you love to do and spreading love. The company I am working with now which is ” The Launchpad “, is one instrument for me to succeed and widen my horizons. I consider this my ultimate career and not just an ordinary job, as there are people ( who we cannot deny ) that they degrade BPO employment. Not everyone can even penetrate this kind of industry. I am just lucky one“, he added. “As a manager, I see to it that I am also a good follower so everyone can do the same. I cannot be a good Manager or Trainer if I’m not a good Trainee or Protege in some ways. That’s why, I always say that I will always be a student because I’m learning in every endeavor I take”. As asked, how he handles lazy days? ” If I feel like I’m lazy for the day, I just think about my goals, my bills…. my payables and a lot more….. haha… but seriously…. look back on the day that I prayed this job for“. Do you have some more inspiring message to the newbies in BPO these days? ” Well, being resourceful is one key, being patient is another one, being adherent to superior and company rules is third and fourth is being beautiful haha… this means a lot… like confidently beautiful with the heart… hahaha “. TO BE Continued…